There is a powerful, life-giving phenomenon, called the Humboldt Current, in the Pacific Ocean of South America. Its positive effects reach for miles to unlikely places and in unlikely ways. These are my education goals for the children I teach on the North Dakota prairie -- fall in love with learning, then go change your world…

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Today's Your Day, America

I worry for the future of my country.  I do.  The steady move toward collectivized living demotivates the hard worker and enables the unproductive one.  I believe that left unchecked, this trend will eventually wreak havoc on our economy, and life as we know it. The relativity of our moral moorings is staggering.  Christians are the only people group in our society considered acceptable to treat derisively or dismiss entirely.  

These are troubling times, indeed.

But for today, for this poignant day, I choose to focus on my blessings.  I am free.  I am safe.  All of my needs are met.  So I pledge allegiance to my country and to its founding principles.  I am grateful to be an American.  I am forever indebted to those who paid for my freedom with hardship, censure, or death.

So fire up the grills! Head to the beach! Spend your dollars at the fireworks stand, catch candy at the parade, and make homemade ice cream!   Today is our day.  We live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

God bless America…